
How to Implement DEI Initiatives Into Your Work Space

November 29, 2023

In recent years, DEI, or diversity, equity, and inclusion has become an integral part of business strategies. With this, large organizations’ social responsibility became one of the hottest topics in marketing during 2023. To understand how to properly implement DEI initiatives into the work space, we first have to gain an understanding of what DEI is and why adding initiatives into your organization is beneficial. 

What Is DEI?

The acronym DEI is a term that refers to internal policies and programs that intend to promote the representation and participation of different groups of people. These people include, but are not limited to, individuals of varying religions, genders, race, or age. Initiatives are designed to address biases, different viewpoints, and discrimination with the intent of creating a culture of inclusion for all employees within the organization.  

Why Include DEI Initiatives?

The proof is in metrics! Taking a look at three sources: referring to Google, 64% of consumers took some sort of action after seeing an advertisement they considered to display diversity. A study conducted by Microsoft found that an inclusive advertisement increased purchase intent by 23%, regardless of whether the person felt represented or not. To follow this, the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer found that 68% of consumers have the belief that CEOs should step in to better societal issues when the government fails to do so. This suggests the majority of employees rely on their CEOs to implement DEI initiatives that properly represent the employees within their organization. 

How You Can Add DEI Initiatives Into Your Space

There’s various tactics that can be implemented to promote DEI inside your work space. Keep reading to learn our six tips for making your workspace more inclusive!

  1. Identifying potential biases in the current hiring process- establish diversity goals for hiring, train recruiters and managers on unconscious bias, and implement a pre-interview screening process that does not include seeing an image of the individual applying, but only focuses on the applicant’s qualifications. 
  2. Include mentorship programs for underrepresented groups of individuals and DEI training for all employees. 
  3. Start ERGs, or employee resource groups, to bring people together who share common social identities- for example, sexual orientation, parenthood, or gender. 
  4. Use inclusive language in the office and across all platforms. For example, when in the office, say “team” rather than “guys.”
  5. Provide a flexible holiday schedule. Allow employees to take off holidays that resonate with their beliefs. To go along with this, make office holiday celebrations inclusive by referring to them as a seasonal gathering, like having a winter party rather than Christmas. 
  6. Lastly, hear from your diverse employees! Create a survey questioning how your internal DEI initiatives improve and create a strategy for moving forward.

How Will Your Company Implement DEI Initiatives? 

Here at Raze Media, we care about the betterment of our employees. Want to learn more about our DEI initiatives? Create a conversation with us! Visit our website to learn how we’re making a lasting impact for our employees and clients.

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