
The Raze Experience

September 2, 2021

Today I closed a chapter that I was very intimidated and nervous to even start. My time at Raze Media has come to an end after a quick nine months of interning. While I was nervous, at the same time, I was excited and had been looking forward to an opportunity to get to see first hand how the industry works. 

Everything was all brand new, the culture, the pace of the work and agency, but I was ready to take it all in. Even though some days were fast paced and hardly had time to stop, I enjoyed the challenges. I have learned and worked on many things. From content creation to dropping off the mail, to reporting and analyzing data, it is all a valuable experience. 

Among the many things that I was fortunate to have worked on, a few of my favorites were creating interesting monthly content for a pest control company and doing the monthly social media reports for some of the accounts. Not in a million years did I ever think I’d enjoy learning about bugs, rodents and pest control solutions, but now on my last day, I find myself thinking “I’ll miss my little bugs”.

Learning about analytics and pulling numbers for our monthly reports was challenging but at the end of the day, you have concrete numbers that are proof that the work you are doing is successful. I enjoyed learning about measuring the impact of our work on the goals for each client. 

I have learned and worked on many things. From content creation to dropping off the mail, to reporting and analyzing data, it was all very valuable.

 My time at Raze has taught me many valuable lessons I can take with me while I continue to grow in my career. I haven’t forgotten to mention one of the most important aspects of interning at Raze, I got to meet and work with some pretty cool people.

A shout out to the people I got to work closely with: Chase, thank you for your guidance and constructive feedback. Grant, thank you for always answering my thousands of questions. Meagan thanks for the challah!  

 Tim, thanks for the opportunity and the push out of my comfort zone. Many thanks, Raze Media. 

That’s all folks!

By Neddy G.

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